Whole School Approaches to Sustainable Communities Across Time, and Place: A Post-qualitative Case Study of Cape Breton University, Canada
Higher education institutions (HEIs) have an ethical duty to care for the communities in which they are embedded. Universities are catalysts for the development of the economic, social, cultural, and living systems in a relationship of interdependence and reciprocity. In this chapter, a case study is presented exploring how a small Canadian post secondary institution, Cape Breton University, is situated in a story that continues to emerge with a renewed sense of societal change and reconciliation connected to deep- rooted historical currents and Indigenous knowledge. The study uses a post qualitative approach to critically inquire into challenges inherent in perspectives that align with a life code of value as the institution responds to the call to care for the sustainable well-being of Cape Breton Island communities. The chapter concludes by exploring how transgressive education may align with a multi-level perspectives (MLP) analysis of HEI approaches for the post-sustainability era.
Key words: sustainable development, Cape Breton University, post-qualitative case study, life-code of values, transgressive education, Indigenous knowledge, multi-level perspectives
Patrick Howard is professor of Education at Cape Breton University. A common theme of his work is how teaching and learning can deepen the human-nonhuman interrelationship to provide a vital, dynamic vision of education based on life values. Dr. Howard is an associate editor of the open-source journal Phenomenology & Practice. His most recent edited book is Phenomenology and Education Theory in Conversation: Back to Education Itself (2020).
Contact: patrick_howard@cbu.ca
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